NanoMembrane is a strategic initiative by the Science & Technology of Nanosystems (STN) research programme in the Helmholtz Research Field Key Technologies under the leadership of Professor Dr Andrea Iris Schäfer that commended in mid 2016 with 10 part funded cooperative PhD projects. The initiative aims to bring together the vast materials research expertise at KIT towards nanoscale engineering of novel membrane materials of superior performance:

  • significantly enhanced water permeability
  • specific and effective removal of pollutants (e.g. salt, micropollutants)
  • low fouling properties (biological, organic, scaling)
  • controllable characteristics (e.g. switchable, regenerative, programmable, adaptable)
  • nano to macro approach (materials development through to manufacturing and system scale applications)

The research themes are organised in the following structure

STN (Science and Technology of Nanosystems)


NanoMembrane Group

PhD Candidate PI Intitute Title
Altschuh, Patrick

Prof. Dr. Britta Nestler

Berger, Tobias

Prof. Dr. Bryce Richards
Prof. Dr. Andrea Schäfer


ALD-deposited Photocatalytic Coatings for Membranes

Dong, Zheqin

Priv. Doz. Dr. Pavel Levkin


Functional Porous Polymer Membranes with Defined Porosity, Structure and Chemistry

Löffler, Frank

Prof. Dr. Michael Hoffmann
Dr. Günter Schell

IAM-KWT Quartz structures for catalytic composites
Lyubimenko, Roman

Dr. Andrey Turshatov
Prof. Dr. Bryce Richards


Sunlight driven generation of active oxygen via membrane anchored organic photosensitizers

Nguyen, Minh

Prof. Dr. Andrea Schäfer IFG-MT

Functionalization of membranes with specific binding cavities for micropollutant removal

Rosenbaum, Nicolai

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bräse IOC  

Tagliavini, Matteo

Prof. Dr. Andrea Schäfer IFG-MT Membrane adsorber composites
Zhan, Xiang

Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer


Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in water on activated nanofiltration membranes

NanoMembrane Workshop 9 March 2017